Considerations, Reflections, Aspirations

  “Isn’t it amazing that we are all made in God’s image, and yet there is so much diversity among his people?” – Desmond Tutu “We are a nation of communities… a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky.”-George H. W. Bush One hope that […]

Welcoming Families From Around the World

Country origin: Ukraine For the arrival of the Ukraine family, there are five steps to prepare to be culturally responsive. My colleague is from the Ukraine and she often talks about her childhood. The first thing that I would do is learn about the country. I would read online about the culture, language, customs, traditions […]

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

Dr. Sue (2011) briefly mentioned microassault microaggressions as conscious and intentional actions or slurs. Today, we hope and pray that we have evolved into a decent society where people actually think before they speak. My son and I were at a small town store last year and he was the target of a microaggression. I […]

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

I spoke with my German colleague and asked her definition of culture and diversity. She is from Schondra, which is a small town in northern Bavaria. She said, “Culture reminds me of all my favorite things. During the holiday season, we eat all the baked goods from my mom, grandma, and aunts….oh the smells! And […]

Family Diversity and Culture

If there was a catastrophe and I was asked to move to another country with culture completely different from my own, it would be a challenge. The first thing my family and I would do is thank God that we survived the catastrophe. There is a sense of comfort and relief when we think about […]

Blog Assignment: When I Think of Research

From this course, I have gained important insights.  I learned that research is a tool that involves dedication to the data collection. Research is the process of gathering information and the result of advancing knowledge obtained from the data collection. Most research is designed to bring a solution to existing problems and many are eager […]

Blog Assignment: Research Around the World

  This week, I read about the Early Childhood Australian (ECA) organization and explored their website. I found the section on children’s right to be very interesting because it researched ten imperative topics according to children. The children were polled on the following subjects: Leave no child out – In East Asia and the Pacific, […]

My Personal Research Journey

The topic that I chose to research is child food insecurity in the face of poverty. A child experiences food insecurity when he or she does not have access at all times to enough healthy food for an active life. Poor nutrition increases children’s risk of illness and sickness. Infants and toddlers  are put at […]